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Preston, 14 is a special needs member of our Club. Diagnosed with a severe form of
autism, Preston joined our Club three years ago and exudes what it means to be
chosen as Youth of the Year.
This highly-coveted award is given to a member who has made transformational progress
through participation in our programs and has also had a profound impact on the Club,
their family and the community as well.
Preston came to us with wild but loving eyes – exerting his energy whenever and wherever
he felt, having little control and not knowing how to participate or make friends. Three years
later, Preston has found a second family at our Club.  He has learned the value of patience
and trust, and has created an atmosphere of compassion and tolerance within our membership.
His best friend at school, Chris, is confined to a wheelchair which has made Preston a kind,
sympathetic friend, taking his paper version of “Chris” everywhere he goes - the teen center,
learning center, gym, games room, computer lab - and members welcome “Chris” as much as they
do Preston. Preston is an inspiration to us all and we are proud, as we hope you are, to call him
our 2012 Youth of the Year.