Participant Agreement

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Please read carefully, you will be asked to agree when you register.
ENTRANT’S RELEASE: Entry invalid if not signed.  In consideration of the acceptance of this registration entry, I, the undersigned, assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident that may occur during my participation in the event, or while I am on the premises of this event.  I hereby release and hold harmless the sponsors, promoter, contributors and all other persons and entities associated with this event and their agents or employees from any and all injury or damage whether such injury or damage be caused by the negligence, or misrepresentation of the sponsors, promoters, contributors, or any other person or entity associated directly or indirectly with the event or their agents or employees.  I will not enter or participate unless medically able and properly trained.  I assume the risk associated with the event, including cold temperatures and/or high temperature, and the condition of the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me.  Fees are non-refundable.  Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, motion picture, recording, or any other record of the event.  I have read the foregoing and certify my agreement or my parent’s or guardians if under 18.