DONATE: Sponsorships & Items

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Sponsorship Levels
Platinum                                                                                                                                                    $10,000

·         Presenting/title naming rights to auction

·         All benefits of Diamond, Gold, and Silver levels

·         Logo on Club vehicle

 Diamond                                                                                                                                                     $5,000

·         Company name & logo listed on all publications promoting Treasures For Youth (Programs, catalog, and press releases).

·         Prominent logo on invitation, poster and display materials at auction

·         Corporate banner Blaine Club events, including 2012 auction

·         Logo on Blaine Club fence silhouette

·         Full page ad in event program

·         Name & logo link on website as auction sponsor for the Blaine Boys & Girls Club (averages 12,000 unduplicated hits/month).


Gold                                                                                                                                                                      $3,000

·         Company name listed on all publications promoting Treasures For Youth (Programs, catalog, and press releases).

·         Logo on catalog, poster and display materials at auction

·         Logo on Blaine Club fence silhouette

·         Corporate banner at Blaine Club events, including 2012 auction

·         Half-page ad in event program

·         Name & logo link on website as an auction sponsor


Silver                                                                                                $1,500          

·         Company name listed on all publications promoting Club Treasures For Youth

·         Name & logo on display materials at event.

·         Quarter-Page ad in auction program

·         Name & logo link on website as an auction sponsor


Bronze                                                                                              $500

·         Company name listed on publications promoting Club Treasures For Youth

·         Name listed on display materials at auction

·         Name & logo listed in event program


Gem                                                                                                                                                                  $200

·         Name listed in auction program