Rules of Play

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Round Robin Time Limit and Scoring:   Scoring for the round robin games are to 9 points, with the winner receiving a 2 point bonus for a total of 11 points. Losing team’s points shall be registered on the score sheet with out bonus. There is a time limit for the round robin.  All round robin matches must end by 12:45 pm.  Each team should monitor the approximate time of other teams, and if needed, call a director if other teams are playing too slow.  The final decision will be left to a director.  The leaders on the scorecards at 12:45 pm will advance to single-elimination.


Refs:  Team 3 on the scorecard will ref the first match, and then the losers of each match will ref thereafter.


Court Captains - A Court Captain shall be named for each court. He or she is responsible for reporting Round Robin results to designated NCAA court monitor to keep the tournament moving.


Tie Breakers:  1st Place – Most total points during RR; 2nd Place – 2nd most total points during RR. 

If two way tie for 1st or 2nd in points scored: team that won head to head games takes the spot

If 3-way tie in points for 1st or 2nd:  Team with the best record during the round robin takes the spot

If same record in tie breaker for 2nd place: Team with most points scored against #1 team takes the spot.


Line Up:  Player that starts the round must finish prior to partner throwing any of his/her scoring balls.


Foul Line:  Use official foul line provided by the NCAA.  Foul line must be laid in a straight line.  Player tossing cannot go wider than the foul line.  Players cannot cross foul line until each of their scoring balls are thrown (see below).


Start:  The pallino is thrown by a member of the team having won the coin toss or odds-even to start the match.  Loser selects bocce color.  The player throwing the pallino must throw the first scoring ball.  At end of each round, foul line may not be moved more than 5 feet in any direction and placement of line cannot encroach on the Corey Rule (see below).


Corey Rule:  All throws must originate within the court they are playing on and the foul line must be placed at least 4 feet inside the court.  This allows a player to have at least one step for their toss.


Tournament Scoring:  Please note round robin scoring above.  All single elimination games are played to 11.  If the match is tied, teams play an additional round, or rounds, until there’s a winner. One point for each bocce ball closer to the pallino than opponent’s closest bocce. Two points for a leaner (a leaner is when a scoring ball touches any part of the pallino). When a leaner by one team is matched by a leaner of the opposing team, the team with the first leaner throws.  If opposing teams have a leaner each at the end of a round, two points are given to each team and the pallino goes to the team that threw the first leaner.


Penalties:  If a player steps over the rope while throwing a scoring ball, that ball is not counted in that round and is removed from the court.  No player can cross the foul line until after all his/her scoring balls have been thrown.  If they do, they lose 1 scoring ball for that round. Ref may issue a foot foul warning. If a player throws an opponent’s ball by mistake, there is a 1 ball penalty and the opponent’s ball is returned.


Out Of Bounds:  If any part of the pallino or a scoring ball is touching one of the court boundary lines, the pallino or scoring ball is “in play.”  If a player tosses a scoring ball out of bounds, that ball is not counted, unless the pallino is knocked out of bounds.  Then, all scoring balls are live.  No player can cross the foul line until after her/his bocce balls have been thrown.  If they do, they lose one bocce for that round.  If the pallino is thrown out of bounds while starting a round, the team gets one more chance to toss it in bounds.  If it again goes out of bounds, other team gets the pallino and first toss.


Loss Of Bocce:  If you toss one of your opponent’s bocce balls, your team loses one scoring ball for that round.


Disputes:  If there is any dispute, players can ask for an appeal from the tournament director, whose decision is
