Youth Basketball Rules

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* We will start every game with a jump ball (A player from each team meets
in the center and jumps up to tap the ball. The players jumping for the ball
can not be the ones who first get possession of the ball)

* Jump balls (when two players grab the ball at the same time) are rewarded
to the defense.

* When two players are tied up with the ball the ref will let them try to grab
the ball for 3 seconds. He will let them be tied up for longer if he feels like
one player is gaining possession of the ball. The ref will call a jump ball
sooner if he feels like there is any danger or to much physicality.

* There are fouls for illegal contact. Such as shoving, holding, and bumping.

* Defense has to meet the offensive player at the spot of contact before or at
the same time the player arrives to the spot of contact or else a foul is called.

*You are allowed to have an inside arm between your body and the
offensive player. You can use this to protect your body from the offensive
player as long as that arm is touching your own body and is not extended
out. It cannot be used to hold or slow the momentum of the offensive
player down.

* When a foul occurs, the ref will blow his whistle stopping the play. The ball
is taken out of bounds and rewarded to the team fouled. There are no free

* If fouled on a shot. The offensive team will receive one point and
possession of the basketball.

* If fouled on a shot and the basket goes in the basket is counted and you
receive an extra point.

*There is no Full Court Press defense has to guard at half court

*Games consist of two halves that are 20 minutes long and a 2-minute
halftime. The clock is a running clock except for the last 2 minutes. In the
last 2 minutes the clock will stop for fouls, subs, and other stoppages of
play besides made baskets.

* Each team has one timeout per half and one time out for overtime, in
sudden death there are no timeouts at all. Time outs do not carry over (use
them or lose them)

* If the score is tied by the end of regulation then overtime will occur.
Overtime is 2-minutes long. Each team is rewarded one time out. We will
jump for ball for the start of overtime.

* If the game is still tied by the end of overtime we enter sudden death. We
go right into sudden death. Players stay on the court there is no huddle.
We will have a jump ball. 
The first team to score a basket wins. 
In sudden death you can not win off a foul point.
But fouling on purpose to stop the opposing team to score in sudden death
can result in ending the game given the other team victory.

* Fouling on purpose without making a play on the ball (intentional fouling)
will result in an automatic point for the other team and the possession will
be rewarded to receiving team.

* A team has to show up with at least 5 players from their official roster.
Failing to do so will result in a forfeit.

* If a Player is showing unsportsmanlike like conduct a ref can give that player a 
5 minute penalty. The player will have to sit out of the game for 5 minutes. 

*  If a Player is showing unsportsmanlike like conduct a ref can throw him/her out the game. 

*Coaches must stay in their respected coaching box which is in front of there
bench and their side of the score table. Coaches CAN NOT go over to the
other side of the score table or on the baseline. Coaches cannot be on the
court during the game they must stay out of bounds. Coaches are allowed
on their side of the court during timeouts.

* Parents/Fans/Spectators are not allowed to go to the benches to talk to
your child or in a huddle of a team. If you want to talk to your child have
them come to where you are sitting. Failing to follow this rule will result in
being asked to leave the gym.

* Parents/Fans/Spectators are not allowed to yell out anything to the ref or
coach during games. Let the Players play the Coaches coach and the
officials officiate. Coaches also are not allowed to blurt out anything
disrespectful to the ref but coaches are allowed to discuss officiating with
the ref as long as it’s done respectfully. Failing to follow this rule will result
in being asked to leave the gym.

Within the Grade Leagues(1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th) there will also be Skill Division (GOLD-SILVER-BRONZE)
We separate the kid based on first their grade and then their skill. 

Supreme LEAGUE Rules
Basket is set to a rim height of 8 feet
Basketballs are 28.5 in size

Diamond LEAGUE Rules
 Basket is set to a rim height of 9 feet
Basketballs are 28.5 in size

Elite LEAGUE Rules
 Basket if set to a rim height of 10 feet
 Basketballs are 29.5 in size


Equal Playing Time to all Players. 

4 on 4 allowing players more time with the ball

Traveling is allowed as long as an
attempt to dribble the ball is shown but they cant go by defenders traveling.

 Fouls and other violations will be loosely called.

Don't Keep Track of Fouls

 Mercy rule if a team leads by more than 20 points the score for the winning
team will not be kept on the scoreboard and instead be written down by
the score table. If the game comes back within 20 points then the score
table will update the scoreboard.


Every Player will get at least 20 minutes of playing time

5 on 5 

Traveling and fouls will be called 

Mercy rule if a team leads by more than 20 points the score for the winning
team will not be kept on the scoreboard and instead be written down by
the score table. If the game comes back within 20 points then the score
table will update the scoreboard.


 Keep Track of Fouls

5 on 5 

Traveling and fouls will be called strictly 

Charges are allowed