Meet Our Award Winners

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As an advocate for students’ personal growth and development, Gale was Dean of Students at Beaver College (now Arcadia University) for 11 years.  Prior to that, she served the College of New Jersey in a number of student life capacities. Her many years in higher education have been a rich source of preparation for Gale’s community service and civic involvement.  She has served as chair and a member of a variety of local boards including United Way, YMCA, Communities in Schools, York County Alliance for Children, Catawba Family Preservation Selection Committee, Fine Arts Association and currently is a member of Kiwanis, Boys & Girls Clubs Board, and  Is it Good For Children Committee.  She is also a member of Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church where she serves as a tutor with the STAR program. She received her bachelor’s degree in home economics from West Virginia University and master’s in guidance and counseling from Ohio University.  She has completed additional post graduate work at Rutgers University in the field of adult and continuing education.


Omari Alleyne is a true example of an extraordinary young man. At age 18, he was selected to compete against other Boys & Girls Club members for the South Carolina Youth of the Year title and a $1,000 scholarship from the Reader’s Digest Foundation. Omari was recently awarded first runner-up in Columbia, SC on Friday, April 26, 2013 where he received a $2,000 scholarship.Omari currently attends the Teen Center, which is one of our newer Clubs of the Boys & Girls Club of York County. Omari’s Club experience began at the age of 9, and has thus continued on throughout his young life. He attends Rock Hill High School as a senior, with a ranking of Staff Sergeant in the Junior ROTC, and with a current GPA of 3.0. He plans to attend college at the Citadel, and later enlist in the United States Air Force. With this being the first time that the Boys & Girls Clubs of York County has ever participated in the Youth of Year competition, it was a very rewarding opportunity to have Omari represent our Clubs so well. Please help us in congratulating him on a job well done!