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AGE 17
Favorite Activities:
Keystone Club
Teen Center
Laura Perez is an amazing and loved 17 year old girl who has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club since she was six years old.  She has been a positive influence to many of our Clubs members.  This year, Laura competed for the honor of Orange County's Youth of the Year.  Of over 40,000 Club members in Orange County, Laura was one of 16 kids selected to compete.  Below is an essay that Laura wrote: 
"Being a Keystone leader has given me the opportunity to be involved in beach clean-ups and volunteering at city events such as the Sea Fest.  I enjoy it so much that I look forward to these two events every year. "

From Laura Perez (2013 Youth of the Year Essay Submission):

The Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area is a place I call home.  It is the place where I grew up and I learned to be myself outside of my actual home.  Walking into the Club brings a nice warm feeling to my heart.  It always brings memories of my childhood.  I attended the Club on a daily basis and everyday when I walk in, I am greeted in a friendly manner.  I see the Club as a place to socialize and learn, and also as a family.

After being a member for 10 years, the Club means a lot to me because it helped shape my life.  The Club provides materials that I am able to use, such as computers for school projects.  I have also participated in Be Great: Graduate for the past four years.  I attended Be Great on a daily basis where I receive help from great tutors with my college prep math class.  One of my tutors, Kristy, is a college math teacher who has been helping me with my math courses over the past two years.  The staff has always encouraged me to do well in school.  They motivate me, encourage me and most importantly...they believe in me.

Club Staff are another reason why the Club is a life support for me.  They are always positive attitudes, which is motivation for me and the rest of the members.  One of the staff members who always males me feel welcome is Ray.  He is into dancing and his enthusiasm is contagious.  One day after coming home from a cross country race, I was a bit disappointed of my time during the race.  When I arrived at the Club, Ray was super energetic and he put on a new song that completely changed my mood.  He then began to show me and some of my friends a new dance, which helped me stay positive.  The Boys & Girls Club has always supported me and is the reason for my success.

The Boys & Girls Club is the place where I developed many skills and learned from others.  At the Club I began to open up, participate in the daily activities, tournaments and also met new friends.  One person I truly admire is Angel, our Keystone President.  I met Angel when I was 8 years old.  To this day we are still close friends.  I feel that we have a lot in common since we both grew up at the Club and have been involved in many of the same activities.

Attending the Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area lead me to meet some extraordinary people along the way, who went from being strangers to becoming my family.  Having a second home makes me feel lucky because of how much support I get.  It is amazing how we all come from different backgrounds...yet sharing our cultures and having the same goals, ultimately unites us all as one.