''Children Swimming for Children'' Swim-a-thon

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
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4th Annual
Swim-a-Thon For CASA
Children Swimming for Children

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

rain date: Wednesday July 17th

5:00pm to 9 pm

 Check in 5pm, Swim laps from 5:30-7:30 pm

  dinner and awards from 7:30-9pm.

This fundraising event is a fun activity for our swimmers of Evergreen Country Club to participate in a special event and challenge,  
and gain recognition for each and every child.
Every child who raises $30.00 or more will receive a
 Swim-a-Thon T-shirt and a goody bag!

  For those of you new to a Swim-a-Thon, it is a sponsored fundraiser in which swimmers earn money for a charitable organization ~ The organization we chose is CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocate for abused and neglected children.   

Swimmers will set a goal of laps they can swim.

Within 24 hours of registering for this event, you will receive an email with your personalized donation site.

 Swimmers will swim laps (25 yards is one lap) at Evergreen Country Club,

 Every 2 laps, a volunteer will mark participants’ card to keep track of their laps.

 At the end of 2 hours, each swimmers’ laps will be calculated.

 Participants then go to their pledges and get their donations or request their donor to pay online if not by check.


 Upon completion of swimming, everyone is invited
to a party at the snack bar at Evergreen Country Club.
 Food:  family style pot-luck and an Ice Cream Bar

 Prizes will be distributed the top three swimmers 
who acquired the most donations

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

A prize will go to one swimmer in each of the
following age groups that swam the most laps. If there is a tie, names will be drawn from a hat!
10 and under
11 to 14
 15 to 18 

If you are unable to attend that night and would still like to swim, all you need is a parent to verify your laps. Your laps and completed form must be turned in prior to July 16th.

Please turn in your completed form to your swim-a-thon coordinator at your pool.

Evergreen Country Club ~ Danielle Mason or Tina Boyd