Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton Donations

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Thank you for your donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton!

Like our national counterparts we introduce positive values, learning enrichment programs, leadership skills, and numerous social opportunities that focus on the growth, self-esteem, and futures for all children, especially those who need us most.

This helps us provide a structured and supportive place for children ages 6-18. Now, more than ever, our young people need a safe and familiar place for support to ensure they stay on track academically, and maintain good social and emotional health.

Your gift today will allow us to continue to restore a feeling of safety and rebuild our community.

Please donate today to fill this Club with bright young minds and hearts!

Thank you for your support!

If your donation is in support of a specific event, please indicate which event on the form below.

Please fill out the form information below ( * = required fields)

(minimum: $5.00)