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#6. Jeannie & Travis Rice
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#6. Jeannie & Travis Rice

Travis and Jeannie Rice are teachers by day,
costumed crime fighters by night. Travis is just
charming but Jeannie is charming and good
looking. Travis teaches government and
economics at Morgan County High School. As
such, he is qualified to tell you that all your votes
for the Rices are tax-deductible. Jeannie teaches
third grade math and science. She also holds the
record for most times doing the Wobble at
Madison events. Jeannie was an accomplished
dancer and choreographer in a former life.
Travis is accomplished at pretending he knows
what he’s doing. Together they bring a high-
energy dance routine that will likely end with
Travis blowing out his knee.
$1 per VOTE with a $5 minimum please!

Type: Sale Item | Price: $1.00


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