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#4.  Jamie & James Williams
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#4. Jamie & James Williams

Welcome to Williams' World, which began on a
chilly, windy night on a beach in Scotland, 20-odd
years ago. We dance when nobody is looking,
with the exception of when fueled by the Scots
Courage of lager, lager and more lager. In
preparation for Madison's DWTS, we have upped
our consumption by 50% and are confident this is
as helpful if not more than taking dancing
lessons/consulting with dance professionals. We
follow in the footsteps of Giants - Lords and
Ladies of the Dance (WTS) - Winners of previous
years have inspired us to have a sense humor if
not of rhythm, losers have advised us no effort is
wasted and that so far, no one has actually been
"hurt" by the judging panel. So bring it on,
Madison. You're next.
$1 per VOTE with a $5 minimum please!

Type: Sale Item | Price: $1.00


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